Organic apple cider vinegar available online.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

One use of Apple Cider Vinegar, or ACV, is to cure Urinary Tract Infections. I myself have used this to cure mine, since I am allergic to Sulfa....the most used and cheapest antibiotic used to cure a UTI. I can say that I just try not to get them, but all of you girls out there know that sometimes it's out of our control. I put about 2 teaspoons into a 16oz water bottle and drink it every day until it clear up. Even after it clears up, I would still drink it for an additional 3-4 days. I'll warn you...this stuff tastes just awful. There is a fine line between making it taste like herbal tea in your water, or making it undrinkable, and for me it was 2 teaspoons...but it depends on your tastes to be very honest. You want an organic blend with the "mother" (or apple) still in it. They're easy to spot as they are cloudy as compared to clear like most.

The plus side to all of this is you can use it on your pets too! That's right...your furry little babies. I myself used it on my little cat Livy when she came down with a terrible case of it. There was blood in her urine and everything, and I had already gone through this with my previous cat whom I had to put down because the vet never told me about ACV until AFTER I called after my second cat came down with it...and I had to ask HIM about it after finding out about it from a website. The vet told me my first cat had a hereditary disease that caused her to have to keep coming back to the vet every few months for something to clear up her UTI. After spending about $600+ on the first cat, not including the food I had to buy, on vet bills I ended up putting her down out of mercy. When my second cat came down with the same thing I became frantic. I couldn't handle my other baby leaving me too. So another round of vet bills piled up. Then I came across ACV and I hoped and prayed it would work..and the results were immediate! Within an hour she was jumping around like her old self, but was still having trouble urinating.

So I continued to give it to her, about 1 1/2 cc plunger syringe that you can buy at Walmart anywhere, or at your local pharmacy, every day for a week and then once a week for 3 weeks. It still hasn't come back like it had in my other cat. Just make sure to give them plenty of water with it and their very favorite treat afterwards because like i said...this stuff tastes awful. In no way am I telling you not to go to the vet, because I still did, but this is a natural remedy for it and is cost effective.

Here is some links for natural remedies for a urinary tract infection other than ACV. I hope this helps!

Veterinary secrets for home remedies from a vet that cares about love, not the love of money!

Another all natural cure for a UTI that is more cost effective than that $500 doctor bill!

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